simpatico perspectives
read our team’s thoughts on project deep dives, design, wordpress development, and client resources, or catch up on our the studio's latest news.
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Goodbye, 2024: A Year in Review at Studio Simpatico
read posta day in the life
Meet the team! A series of interviews providing a candid look behind the scenes at how Simpaticos spend their days.
Client Resourcessee more Client Resources
tamara's perspective on...
How do I prepare for my kickoff meeting with Studio Simpatico?
Greetings, new client! On behalf of the entire team here at Studio Simpatico, I’m thrilled that we’ll be working together, and look forward to embarking on this exciting journey with you. In this post, we share what you can do to prepare for our project kickoff.
tamara's perspective on...
Who is the best WordPress hosting provider?
When you build websites for a living, being asked about hosting providers comes with the territory. How should I select hosting? Do you have any recommendations? Why on earth would I pay more when I can get hosting for $3 a month? The marketing gurus say if you keep encountering the same question from your clients, it’s a good idea to turn it into a blog post. So, without further ado: Why I recommend WP Engine.
tamara's perspective on...
Does Studio Simpatico Offer SEO Services?
Though we are not an SEO shop, I typically describe us as “SEO aware,” since we do build SEO strategy and tactics into much of our process. In this article, I’ll be breaking down the high level techniques typically used to optimize a website for search, and outlining which are provided (and not provided) by Studio Simpatico as part of a typical website design and development engagement.
tamara's perspective on...
What are the pros/cons of building a custom WordPress theme vs. using an existing theme?
When we’re asked to build a website, we need to decide whether to build a custom WordPress theme or use an existing theme. But – what’s the difference?
tamara's perspective on...
UX Audit Services: Learn more about Studio Simpatico’s most popular offering
An overview and frequently asked questions about one of our studio’s most popular offerings