If you have several hundred or thousand posts that must be searched through, changing the ACF post object to only search in titles is a huge performance enhancement.
In functions.php:
function add_search_only_titles_filter($args, $field, $post_id) { add_filter('posts_search', '__search_by_title_only', 500, 2); return $args; } function __search_by_title_only( $search, &$wp_query ) { global $wpdb; if ( empty( $search ) ) return $search; // skip processing - no search term in query $q = $wp_query->query_vars; $n = ! empty( $q['exact'] ) ? '' : '%'; $search = $searchand = ''; foreach ( (array) $q['search_terms'] as $term ) { $term = esc_sql( like_escape( $term ) ); $search .= "{$searchand}($wpdb->posts.post_title LIKE '{$n}{$term}{$n}')"; $searchand = ' AND '; } if ( ! empty( $search ) ) { $search = " AND ({$search}) "; if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) $search .= " AND ($wpdb->posts.post_password = '') "; } return $search; } add_filter('acf/fields/post_object/query', 'add_search_only_titles_filter', 10, 3);