When I joined Simpatico, I was coming off my first post-college role as a Junior Project Manager, where I cut my teeth overseeing creative branding and print projects. Since working at Studio Simpatico for the past three years as a digital project manager, I’ve grown immensely—thanks to the guidance of Tamara, my talented colleagues, and our fantastic clients. I’ve learned how to manage projects with greater efficiency, deliver impressive results with a lean team, and most importantly, how to create exceptional experiences for our clients.

Here are some key lessons I’ve picked up along the way:

1. Verify Before You Notify

Before reaching out to a client to say something is done or deployed, always double-check. Miscommunications happen—maybe a developer thought they deployed a change but didn’t, or maybe a small QA step was overlooked. In design, a tiny typo can delay the final product, especially if the deliverable is going to be printed. A quick check on your end can save a lot of headaches later.

2. Respond Promptly, Even if Briefly

Prioritize responding to client messages within 24 business hours. Even if you don’t have a full answer, a quick “Received your message, I’ll follow up by the end of the week” shows the client that they’re being heard and you’re on top of things. This builds trust and keeps the lines of communication open.

3. Leave Detailed Notes

Managing multiple projects can be chaotic, especially after a busy period or a weekend. I’ve found it super helpful to leave detailed yet concise notes before I sign off for the weekend. That way, come Monday, I know exactly where I left off. Tools like Linear, that have a dedicated Project Updates section, are great for project visibility, but use whatever system works for you and your team.

4. Prepare for Your Team

Before assigning tasks to designers or developers, make sure to do the pre-task work—understand the client’s request, anticipate potential questions, and gather all necessary materials upfront. Whether it’s design files, examples, or specs, having everything ready to go helps avoid unnecessary delays. Not to mention, it saves your team from needing to constantly context switch between tasks with the stop-and-go flow during the requirements gathering phase.

5. Send Meeting Recaps

Sending a recap after a client meeting can make a huge difference, especially for larger projects with a lot of stakeholders. Even if the client doesn’t always read it thoroughly, having a written record of what was discussed and agreed upon ensures everyone stays on the same page from week to week. For clients that have larger retainers, a weekly recap can also help provide insight and visibility into their hours used to date. This can help both sides with resource planning immensely, and the transparency can help build trust between teams.

6. Boost Team Morale

Last but not least, when your team is dealing with tough tasks or challenging clients, morale can dip. I’ve found that quick check-ins, brainstorming sessions, or even just venting can help keep the energy up. Offering to offload tasks or work through a problem together can make a big difference in keeping the team motivated.

Each of these practices might seem small, but together, they lead to smoother operations, fewer mistakes, and happier clients.

As I sign off for the last time as a Simpatico, I feel overwhelming gratitude for everyone I’ve had the pleasure of working with, no matter how brief. I hope I have left behind some useful wisdom for anyone just starting out on their own project management journey, and I look forward to learning more from others in my next adventure!